Attention Animal & Swan Lovers!!!
The DEC is already moving forward with a deadly new mute swan management plan. Last week the DEC announced the release of its third draft mute swan management plan for New York State.
We are very concerned that their plan will be devastating to the total swan population, but we don't think enough people know. Their methods of eradication are really upsetting as is the possibility that 100's of swans will be killed and eventually the whole population eradicated.
There are only approx. 2,200 Swans Left in ALL New York State and by the time the DEC is done with what they want there probably will be no swans left eventually.
Is this what our Tax Dollars are paying for?
The People in the DEC trying to implement this plan should be ashamed, fired, and the DEC is way past due for a total overhaul. This is just another abuse by the DEC, which also has been known to invade people’s property rights for decades, including trespassing and violating people’s 4th Amendment protections. Post No Trespassing Signs, and don’t waive your rights.
WE WERE ALSO TOLD THAT Veterinarians will be kept from treating injured Mute Swans anymore if this plan is implemented.
EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE INVOLVED TO STOP THIS PROPOSAL OF CRUEL, INHUMANE AND DECEITFUL LEGISLATION. CONTACT THE COALITION OF LANDLORDS, HOMEOWNERS & MERCHANTS, INC. at paulcolham@aol.com or 631-376-2120 with questions and contact your assemblyman, state senator, and Gov. Cuomo’s office.